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Do You Want Someone To Know Your Secrets? Protect Yourself with a Firewall

Started by Webm, 2011-10-29 09:30

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With more and more small and home based businesses to receive high-speed Internet connections to full time, as the cable modem and DSL, there is a greater need for firewall software and / or hardware.

A firewall can be many things, but most importantly you need to know is that without that you are at risk of someone breaking into your computer. With people keeping in touch with the full time Internet with cable modems or DSL line, you are in a much higher risk of someone accessing your computer from a remote location.

Basically, a firewall restricts access to your computer over the Internet. This has nothing to do with your website. That is the responsibility of your hosting service to protect your site (which is another reason to make sure you have a reputable company hosting your website). We're talking about a person's access to equipment that is sitting at his desk at this time.

I was amazed at the number of alerts received when I first installed my firewall. Each alert means that a person or an automated robot was trying to access my computer. True, if you are just starting a small business e-commerce transactions, you are not a prestigious destination for a hacker to attack. But it could be a target of fun for some eighth grade, he wants to see if they can get into your computer.

Immediately begin downloading and installing a free firewall software: You can visit many options and technical articles about firewalls.

Free firewall Beginners provides a good protection. http://store.mcafee. com / have a firewall most popular for about $ 40.00. So that a call Black Ice Defender.

As your business grows, you'll probably want to move to a more sophisticated software and hardware solutions. Just know you have to do something and do it now!

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