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Identity theft basics

Started by Perfect, 2011-12-01 08:26

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Identity theft is one of the latest buzzword in our society in recent times. Identity theft refers to conceal the original identity and illegal misuse of another person's identity. The person claiming to be someone else is making money at the expense of others and makes a false identity misuse. The occurrence of this type of crime has increased in part due to the expansion of our communication network where people interact or just know about the existence of another person but have not fulfilled person. Since you do not recognize the other person's physical appearance is easier for ID thieves to enter other shoes and collect vital information for their selfish motives. Identity theft can also occur from a distance, when someone can call or communicate with any other person just to get some confidential information and misuse of the data provided.

Advent of the Internet and offer many facilities and be a blessing for the people has also added a lot of this crime already exist.
With more and more business houses using the Internet and computer networks for official operation most important data are now on the web. In addition to obtaining the vital statistics of any corporate house or any major individual information, identity thieves disguised to deceive others and gain some important information like credit card number or social security number. The theft of credit card and social security number may result in a great loss and trauma of the victim. As the culprit could use the credit card to withdraw money from the account of others and also crimes committed by the thief can be attributed to the victim and the thief was using a false identity of another person.

This growing form of crime has increased the concern of many people are finding ways to combat these malicious actions that cause the loss of innocent citizens. In addition to following general instructions and relying on social systems to prevent such crimes is also true that the individual effort required to protect one of identity thieves. One must be careful not to provide any confidential information on the Internet or any other public communication system that can be accessed by anyone. Only after fully testing confirmed some information may be shared if it is very urgent. Also you should not rely on anyone else without careful verification of the identity of another person.

It is a matter of great regret that identity thieves often a bank in the feelings of good citizens and cheat to make some easy money. Many of these cases of mistaken identity have been reported in the recent past where people pretend to be a great need for help and when a virtuous person comes forward to help others simply default and personal gain at the expense of others.


I saw in many cases peoples don't know are they victimized or not from identity theft. I think that peoples have to know about prevention from id theft and this is only best way to avoid identity theft.



I agree with you, that is why reading article like this and studying on how this Identity theft people operate is important. There are many articles in cokoye that dedicated in Identity theft and phishing.

Is good to know that the article is useful to Cokoye readers.

See these interesting articles too:

Phishing is fraud

How To Be The One That Got Away In "Phishing" Attacks. Phishing is on the rise

Phishing And Fraud – What Is It?


Hi Cokoye, thanksa for sharing these posts and really informative. These article must read every person who has want to protect their identity.


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