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Ten Steps To A Safe, Smooth Running PC

Started by Perfect, 2011-03-24 15:28

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10 steps to PC security, good performance by Michael Silva

These ten steps will help increase the security of your computer. Since the discovery of the virus to learn how to avoid them, this article is a must read!

Windows password This is the easiest way to make sure you know that you are using your PC. Choose a long password that contains capital and lower case. Includes a number or two would greatly increase safety. Having a Windows password means that the only people who can join a Windows session are people who have access a.

Password Manager Never write your passwords. Using the same password all the time also make it easy for hackers to get your personal information. So if you can not write and are not
supposed to use the same - how are you supposed to keep track of all your passwords? The easiest way to do this is to use a password manager. We prefer to use Roboform. Roboform is an easy to use password and profile manager that fits perfectly in the toolbar of Internet Explorer keeps track of all your passwords for you. Roboform also uses a master password. You will need a password that has access to all the passwords in the program. This way you can keep all your information secure. You can download Roboform for free by

Spyware Remover Next to spam, spyware is the biggest disappointment of the Internet. By definition, spyware is "any software that covertly gathers user information through the user's Internet connection without your knowledge, usually for advertising purposes. Once installed, the spyware
monitors user activity on the Internet and transmits that information in the background to someone else. Spyware can also gather information about email addresses and even passwords and credit card numbers. "The amount of spyware that exists on your PC depends on the amount of Internet surfing does. A good rule of thumb here is to scan for spyware once a week or whenever poor system performance surfaces. If you do not have a spyware scanner, we recommend

Antivirus This should be obvious, but if your computer is connected to the internet you need antivirus software. With the program scans and weekly updates that must be protected from most threats. For further protection,
recommend using more than one scanner anvtivirus.

Firewall is a firewall, keep unwanted visitors from your computer. You can get a firewall either by application software such as ZoneAlarm or Black Ice Defender, or using a router with an Internet connection. For more information on routers plese visit.

Basically file sharing, file sharing programs are the single greatest security risk to be found. This is because the only facts you have about the files that are downloaded are the file name and file size. It's pretty simple to change a file name to trick someone into downloading a virus or other malware, like keyloggers. Our advice - stay away from file sharing at all costs. If you need to use it, make sure you have updated antivirus software installed and working.

Research In a sentence - you know what it is. has a section on its website that will serve you well. Knowing what type of virus exist and how to avoid being an Internet user will be more intelligent.

Email Protection Most antivirus applications available offer email scanning. If yours does not, have to get one that does. Email scanning ensures that all incoming and outgoing emails are safe for you and the recipient. E-mail viruses spread very quickly using the address book to propagate. Do not read the email from people who know and always make sure your email scanner is active.

Another form of safety nets that the virus is spread through computer networks. We have some quick tips to keep your network safe. Always scan files coming from other teams. Even if a file that has brought from home. Never allow a file that is placed on the network until
has been scanned. The main server should be the only team with file sharing enabled. By not allowing computer users to transmit files, you can neutralize a threat.

Perform weekly maintenance of virus and spyware scans go a long way to keep your computer safe. Weekly defragmentation also improve performance considerably. If you put in the effort will be rewarded with a safe and proper functioning PC. Not to mention fewer headaches!

Following these guide lines of ten, which will greatly improve the performance of your computer. It also will generate peace of mind as you gain a new sense of security.


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