bo Check Out Azumini Blue River, The Only Crystal Clear River In Nigeria
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Offline Gloria Girl

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Check Out Azumini Blue River, The Only Crystal Clear River In Nigeria.

Located at the southernmost tip of Igboland is a magnificent crystal clear river known as Azumini. Azumini river is located at Azumini town, Ukwa East local government area of Abia State. Azumini town is an ancient town of Ndoki kingdom. It links up Igboland With the Annangs and Ogini people.

Its famous river known as Azumini Blue River merges with the Imo river at a point where it journeys downwards relentlessly into the Atlantic Ocean.

Azumini touted as the bluest river in Nigeria got her name from its gorgeous and exotic sapphire colour, colour like azure sky blue.

The river colour is sparkling blue like aqua marine. It's so crystal clear that one can be able to see through it, the fishes and precious stones inside it.

The bright stones serve as raw materials to Aba glass industry located few miles northward.

Azumini has three stretches of which one known as Mini Obuaku is the biggest. At the Obuaku end, one is thrilled to a fascinating site of a humongous beach side and canoe rides. It also serves as a relaxation spot for tourists who come around to have a breathtaking view of the exotic site.

Apart from canoe riding, other activities that can be seen there include: picnicking, grilling barbeques and sometimes beach parties. Even under moonlight, one could see through the crystalline waters down to the white sandy bottom of the river several feet deep, .

Furthermore, One can have a full glare of the allure of Azumini by climbing the Azumini hill which is iconic as it's the only hill in the whole of Ndoki land. Azumini people are of the Ndoki stock, a subgroup of the Igbo people

The river achieved its International status as a tourist centre when the World Center-Fish based Project located in Philippines used it river for its research with some noted successes. Also an International Primates Conservation group made a very telling discovery of a once considered extinct primate called C. Sclateria primate flourish on the banks of this river.

Azumini river is surely enchanting and would have you staring deep into the soul of mother nature in reverence awe.

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