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Information Regarding Medical Visa For India

Started by medicaltrips, 2014-10-28 07:31

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ALERT PLEASE READ: Clients from Kenya, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Israel, Pakistan, Nigeria and Somalia applying for Medical Visa for India

Apart from Yellow Fever vaccination certificate as  per Govt. of India mandate, all passengers arriving India effective 14th February 2014 from Kenya, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Israel, Pakistan, Nigeria and Somalia will have to carry Oral Polio Vaccination (OPV) Certificate taken six week prior to entry. This certificate is mandatory for both Adults and Children. All travelers from above seven countries will now be required to have in their possession a written record of vaccination (patient-retained record) for polio, preferably using IHR 2005 International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis from a hospital or Centre administering OPV.[/messagebox]

Mentioned below are the conditions and procedures to apply for an Medical Visa for India.

A medical category visa may be issued with the following conditions:

a. The Indian Missions/Posts abroad may scrutinize the medical documents very carefully and satisfy themselves about the bonafide purpose for which medical treatment visa is being requested.

b. Mission may satisfy that the applicant has sought preliminary medical advice from his country of origin/country of residence and he has been advised to go for specialized medical treatment. In case the foreign national desires to go for treatment under the Indian system of Medicines, his case may also be considered.

c. This type of visa should be granted for seeking medical attendance only in reputed / recognized specialized hospitals/ treatment centers in the country. Although non exhaustive, following illustrative list of ailments would be of primary consideration; serious ailments like neuro-surgery; ophthalmic disorders; heart related problems; reneal disorders; organ transplantations; plastic surgery; joint replacement etc.. The basic idea would be that the mission may satisfy about the need of the foreign national to come to India for medical treatment/ health enhancements.

Validity of visa and extension of medical visa for India

The initial period for such a visa may be upto a period of one year or the period of treatment whichever less, which can be extended for a further period upto one year be the State Government/ FRROs on the production of medical certificate/ advice from the reputed/ recognized/ specialized hospitals in the country. Any further extension will be granted by the Ministry of Home Affairs only on the recommendations of the State Government/ FRROs supported by appropriate Medical documents. Such visa will be valid for maximum three entries during one year. State Government/ FRROs may permit one additional entry in emergent situation if required.


Foreigners coming on 'M visa' will be required to get themselves registered mandatorily well within the period of 14 days of arrival with the concerned FRROs/ FROs

Issue of Medical Visa for India to attendant/ family members

Attendant/family members of the patient coming to India for medical treatment shall be granted miscellaneous visa co-terminus with the 'M Visa' of the patient. Such visa may be granted the spouse/ children or those who have blood relations with the patient. However, not more than two attendants may be allowed at a time for grant of miscellaneous visa. Such visa will be called 'MX visa'. Such foreigners are also required to get themselves registered with the local FRROs/ FROs well within 14 days from the date of arrival.

Registration for Pakistani and Bangladeshi National

It may be clarified that ' Medical Visa' will be available to all the foreign nationals including China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka. However Registration formalities for Pakistani and Bangladeshi nationals will be as per the provisions contained in para 106 in respect of Bangladeshi national and para 118 of the visa manual in respect of Pakistani nationals. Similarly entry and departure of these foreign nationals will also be governed as per the existing policy in respect o these nationals.

These are the conditions and rules as mentioned in the document issued by the Government of India. The original file may be viewed at this site. You can also download the pdf file here.

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