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Some tips for your Accra trip

Started by akintoey, 2016-09-05 05:19

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Accra is, without a doubt, the most popular city in Ghana. Not only is it cosmopolitan and all-encompassing, it offers countless opportunities to its inhabitants as well as visitors.
As a city that never sleeps, Accra is one of those destinations that offers so much than you bargained for. Accra is a cosmopolitan hub for blue chip companies, startups, relaxation spots as well as many educational institutions.There is always something happening if you know where to look.   
So whether it's a business trip or family vacation, I've put together some quick tips on enjoying Accra.
Organize a pre-arranged airport pick-up: The Kotoka International Airport is usually packed with street vendors and some of them pose as taxi drivers. Ensure you make arrangements for pickup before you arrive, there are a number of cab companies you can patronize online. Alternatively, you can call the Accra hotel you booked and request for airport pickup or employ the service of a registered airport taxi (they usually have some form of identification).
Explore Accra: Pretty much nowhere within Accra is off-limits, though it is still an urban area, so you would want to be reasonable (for instance, you may not want to walk around any area alone at 3 a.m.). Most of Accra, with the exception of a few downtown neighborhoods is clearly laid out, making it extremely easy to find your way around. Do not be afraid to wander, take out time to carefully explore the city.
Avoid help from strangers: Especially when traveling alone, when you arrive at the airport, a lot of people rush to offer some form or assistance -either to carry your luggage or assist you with information. Most times, their offers are exceedingly cheap or enticing. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Don't be a bottleneck. Try to stay away from situations that will cause a delay for any other person (especially the locals) as that might put you in a disagreement...and you do not want that. For instance if you are taking a bus or any other public transport system, have your change. Also, if there is a wait for something or a bottleneck, don't mob it – form a line. And when a line has been formed do not try to cut it. Seriously.
Avoid drawing attention to yourself. Do not stand on street corners looking at maps or doing anything as quirky. Do your best to walk self-confidently, as this will deter many criminals. Don't flaunt jewelry, cameras, your smartphone or cash in public. If you need to organize your wallet, look for a hidden corner or wait till you get back to the safe confines of your hotel room.
Use caution when using ATMs and do not carry large amounts of cash around with you .
When in doubt of your destination or the safety of a neighborhood, take a cab. Alternatively, if you feel uncomfortable or lost, approach a police officer or a friendly store owner (in a public place) to get your bearings or directions.



Hi, I must say these tips are not only for Accra trips. These are tips must be considered when you are going anywhere for travel. I would really consider your tips on my ireland rail tours.



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