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Simple Steps to Your Own Website - Explained.

Started by Perfect, 2011-03-29 08:58

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So you want to create this website - for whatever reason, maybe you started a business or simply want to share photos of the new addition to your family. Let me tell you it's easier than you think - all you need is the address which can track and will be online soon.

Let's talk about what they will cost in advance. $ 10 - $ 20 a month you can have a working website (Imagine:, available to anyone in the world with Internet access. That's a trip to favorite fast food joint. (Yes, you can afford!) There are also some ways to get a free site - still residing in, but allows full terms rare Internet first.

There are three basic components necessary for building a personal website, custom.
You need:
- A domain name
- An account of accommodation and
- The content written in HTML or a web language.
I know what a domain name?!

Here's an analogy that I teach:

You live in a house that is built on a certain piece of land (to rent or buy). That piece of land has a specific direction.

Your website (a collection of individual web pages) sits on a hosting account that you rent. This hosting account is in a specific address - called a domain name.

His home website
Your address: for example, 1 in San Juan, Ciudad X
Your domain name: for example,
His field of your hosting account
Your physical house web content

Here is the 3 step process:
STEP 1: Choose the direction
STEP 2: Parking space in a computer connected to Internet
STEP 3: Build the house you want and place it in the space bought in step 2

We will explain each step:
STEP 1: Select your address (domain name)
With the Internet, you can choose what you want your address (domain name). What are you selling? What would a cool name? I understand that after 10 years of public access to the Internet - a lot of good names are taken. So be creative and be unique, but understandable. An easy place to start is with your full name for a family or personal site or product name for a business site. Make a list of about 10 possibilities that you like in this format Move to the next step.

STEP 2: Parking space in a computer connected to the Internet (hosting account)
With a quick search for the words "Web Hosting" on the internet, you get a list of web hosting companies - all eager to sell or rent you some space on your computer. and 1and1. com some recommended companies - feel free to look at others, but there are thousands and thousands - so do not waste time searching for the cheapest (you pay for what you get, but $ 10 + get a decent hosting account.

Many hosting companies or give or sell your domain name choice at the time you start your hosting account. Take your list from step 1, and when prompted in the checkout process, enter in your first choice domain name. You will be informed if the name is available or not. Keep testing their names in order of preference until you find one that is available. Finish the checkout process and let the hosting company to teach you access to your account. (You will be sent an email - and if you go with one of the companies we recommend, you can call with questions.)

STEP 3: Build the home you want and place it in the space bought in step 2
You have some choices to make here:
A - You can ask someone you build a site.
B - You can do yourself.
C - Use a free web site builder - (like a blog)
Each has its pros and cons.

The first option is great if you can afford and can find someone reliable. If you want cheap, after a job in their local school - someone in the computer club will be able to help for really cheap. The problem is that it may not be around when you need to make changes. Enter option B

It's great to learn a new skill, and you can learn for free online - just a little time. Remember that once you know how ... you own that knowledge forever and never depend on someone else to build your site. Again search online for "how to build a website" They will tell you how to design, build and submit your site to the hosting account form STEP 2.

If you do not really require a custom design and all you want to do is put some text and perhaps some photos online. I suggest starting what is called a blog - these are free and have a very simple "HTML CODE FREE" way to add content. All you do is write and publish. You can often still have your own domain name here, but each company is different blogs. Again search online for the posts - and read what the offer of several companies.

One thing that is really important and that only you can make! That has come out with content and idea. Think about what you have to offer and what is the problem it solves for your visitors and prepare their content in order to respond to this problem. For example, write jokes. People are looking for jokes ... your website should give people and maybe some jokes you can sign up for your daily joke email.
Just write, write short, write clearly. As time passes, remember to keep your site fresh. Keep content current and relevant to their ideal guests.

The aim of this paper is to take steps of getting a website for you. Naturally, you can learn more about each step, and there are many people who can give help, but now you can start the journey. Create your list of domain names, purchase a hosting account (including domain name you want) and build your site and keep the content fresh.

In future articles I will take the following steps:

- "I build it, but does not come to see it."

- "I built it, but buying one"

- "I built it, but I do not know how to improve it."

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step - so go to step 1 and begin. (Do not worry - this is a long way - but it's exciting.)

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