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A Career in Graphic Design - Working your way to the top

Started by Perfect, 2011-05-25 18:35

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Creative Director
Let's start at the top and work down. art directors, creative directors or responsible for a creative team that can design work for magazines, television, print advertising, web sites, or on packaging. A creative team may consist of layout artists, graphic designers, photographers, editors and staff to do menial work. A work of Art Directors is to ensure that each of these workers do not loosen the bars and complete their work to a deadline and customer needs. art directors also make important decisicions along the baselines should be slate gray or cobalt blue, delivering opinions and change your mind several days after the deadline has passed - leaving fellow work decidedly gloomy about their position in the grand scheme of things. art directors, inevitably, have to come from some kind of marketing or sales background and no prior knowledge of graphic design skill.

Senior Designer
A senior designer is primarily concerned with the visual aspects of a company and probably have been promoted on the basis that is fun and a "great team player" (despite being far from reality). A lead designer is often insist on having a widescreen monitor larger than the rest of the team that will be decorated with various bits of pink fluffy marketing people through sending daily. A senior designer will be involved in the elements of the look of a business such as business cards, stationery, packaging design, print media advertising, promotional design, and sticking up pictures of topless 'pieces'.

Graphic Designer
The job of a graphic designer is to provide a new and exciting way to express the key information a company or product through a dynamic image or use of typography. Graphic designers take the limited information given by the client and using the Internet to scab some free clip art, fashion design their own logos started to fleece customers for all that it is penalty.

Design artists and art workers
The engine room of the design world. These bastards have been buried with their macs dust for decades, without remorse producing pages and designs. Inevitably, some clueless muppet sent in a 100-page booklet provided in Microsoft Word and art workers will be the thankless task to be publishable. Have to recognize a source of 50 feet, be able to correct the color of the saddest images and have a good bollocking from time to time to keep on your toes. The artwork must have the ability to design magazines, design brochures, brochure design, book design and poster design. He harbors fantasies murder.

Illustrators usually has long gray hair and be influenced by progressive rock. Working from home between the cell and dragonns figures and manga comics try to put their own unique spin on the brief given to them. What will be presented with a girl wearing semi large breasts. You will have to wait several weeks for it. Never learn from past mistakes.

Web Designers
Web designers create pages, design and graphics for web pages, to be technically minded to the point of absurdity. They insist on the use of C + + coding language to impress other geeks and beaver away doing what geeks do it for hours. Web designers also design and develop navigation tools for a site for Web sites that involve the design of small text that makes your eyes bleed. Web designers are too smart for his own good and should never be encouraged.

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