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About Dead Websites

Started by Perfect, 2011-04-12 09:20

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Have you ever heard of the web sites of the dead? These are the websites ending his life on the internet after a while. What happens to them after his death? Is there a file where you can trace? Does anyone keep statistics on how many websites are dying on a daily or monthly? Which country or which category has been the biggest cemetery of web sites? Is there a study on the reasons for his death? The questions could continue.

The idea of ??the Internet's dark side emerged when he was sailing on a shortwave radio in the middle of the night. Suddenly, I saw the words "Tod und Sterben im Internet 'to a German channel. The program was about to end." Tod und Sterben im Internet' death and dying on the Internet 'means. How sad it sounds! But what does that mean? I can not give a better description than the following I found on the Internet:

"They are born, grow, are loved by few, that communicate a few things, then they will die. The death of a web site in general, is unmarked, unnoticed and unrecognized. A dead web site no longer is a valuable, but a historical record strongly marked space of time. A website that has killed no funeral, farewell, or praise, and often do not get the last word. Web seem to die a strange death - both are agencies very public and very private, set for life just for an audience of life, and when passed, the act of viewing and reflecting upon them is inherently lonely.

You might think that the Google robot spiders that every online information and transfers it to win would also have an interesting answer to this problem. Unfortunately, after searching for a week I could not find any answers on Google or Google lab.

On the contrary, I found that general search engines do not like dead sites. One of his princpiles is to deliver the most dynamic sites and content in their results. Therefore, I do not like dead sites, dead links and every website that has the smell of death. Even do not like what we might call depleted sites, sites that collect around and has never changed or worked in the afternoon. These can also be interpreted as potantially dead or near dead and therefore placed in the bottom of the search results.

Search engines may not be interested in them, but does not diminish its importance for the history of the Internet and social-economic sciences. The issues mentioned at the top is worth studying this problem in depth. However, it should be noted that the general interest in the topic is still waiting. This could come in the near future.

In fact, few data are available on the Internet and give a clue to come. The www.archive website. org, for example, gives an idea of ??the history of many websites. If you type a URL in its "waybackmaschine ', you might get results screen from 1996. It's interesting to follow the development of the design of some very popular sites today. is connected to Alexa, so it only shows sites that are "trapped" by Alexa. Neverthless, it is a very important contribution and valuable in this field.

Another site called shown in 'ghostsites' category from a list of dead sites or sites as they call ghost. There are also comments added to some websites dead on their development and the reason for his death. The site and its list are the product of the personal contribution of the site editor, Mr. Steve Baldin.

Of course, in this field are the most intelligent first. A website and is promoted to 'How to bring your site to life. "Like his colleagues in the business world, which promise to bring life into a dead website. Within three months of their dead website have the best position in search engines. Another web site explains how to benefit from a dead website. Imagine web x was working in the travel business. You also have a travel site and know that x is of life. So trace links back to x, explain the situation to the webmasters of these links as and say that your website could be a substitute for the dead x. Your website will have, confirming the site, at no time linkpartners 10-20% quality.

Unfortunately, the welfare state appear to be valid also here. Like the Dutch expression says: "One is its death, on the other bread."

Not to be bread for others, do not forget to tell the browser to open every morning and see your home:

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