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20 ReasonsTo Have Your Own Homeworker Website

Started by Perfect, 2011-03-24 15:08

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1. Enhance your credibility as an internet marketer, as Team Leader, as an entrepreneur home based business, whatever their place is.

2. Send email with your chosen domain name.

3. Get your information and training tips easily available to its members in writing on a website.

4. Setting up a blog on your site. Posting to your blog on a regular basis will improve the exposure of your site in search engines. I just learned about how to use a blog to get traffic to your site from social bookmarking sites.

Is somewhat similar to ads for Free classified sites. I'll tell you more about that later.

5. Similarly auto-install a forum where members of his team could help each other and could help everyone. You can make a private formum for SFI team members only.

6. Add your own content on a regular and continuous basis will probably not go unnoticed by the search engines. You could allow its members to submit articles that could accommodate them for a link to your Web site or gateway to your pages.

7. Initially, you can set a page to frame your favorite gateway (or several gateways).

8. Make e-books, software, special reports to download in your members only section of equipment.

9. Hosting a site for one of its affiliates as a folder on your main website. For example / XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX, where it could be your membership number or your name or company name.

10. Remember that the site can do much more to you than just contain a link to the gateway of the SFI.

11. Installing an RSS feed so you can deliver your sales messages or messages of training without their email address. If you need to become familiar with RSS, first get an RSS reader and find a site with an RSS feed to subscribe. My favorite is the reader for free at: http://rssreader. com (This site also has an RSS Feed Publisher for free.)

12. Installing a one-page form to collect visitors name and email address. Establish a way to send information to your Autoresponder or at least a database in place.

13. Setting up a page for exchanging links to other web sites to improve in bound links.

14. Lets join Traffic Swarm or other traffic exchanges to get some free traffic. Copy / paste the code from some of your pages (following instructions).

15. Install (follow instructions) an Autoresponder on your webserver so that you can use to automate tasks of monitoring e-mail.

16. By copying and pasting a code, you can set up a web page to redirect to another page. This allows you to hide your affiliate your link.

17. You can also use the above code redirection to shorten a long affiliate URL. could become

18. Installing a FAQ (frequently asked questions) to post questions that are asked and the answer to each question.

19. Put audio or video on a website. Saves you write and keep visitors reading.

20. Sale of the skills you learn to write for other sites.

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