bo Age In Marriage! Can I Marry Someone Older/Younger?
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Age In Marriage!
Can I Marry Someone Older/Younger?

It is so interesting to see that "ladies have problems respecting men" In our discussion sometimes ago about age in marriage, the most interesting to me was this.  But I really want us to know that,  whatever age couples are,  that is not the concern of God, but God want the wife to submit to the husband, and God want the husband to love and honour the wife.

 You cannot submit to a man you cannot respect. You cannot honour and love a woman you cannot respect. God want both of them to respect one another.

There is no place in the scripture where God gave us a condition of age before we do this. I have seen couples with the man younger, and except you are told,  their love life is so wonderful. The respect in their home is unspeakable.

If you are a woman and you need age to respect your man, it means you have to work on yourself more.  True! The issue of age is an individualistic decision. It's your decision either to marry someone older or younger, but most importantly and seriously, you could find out that your choice is older as a man and younger as a woman.

Age does not speak wisdom all the time, but the breath of life in man!
The scriptures enlightened  us about older people :

I said, Days should speak, and multitude of years should teach wisdom.
But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.
Great men are not always wise: neither do the aged understand judgment.

I have a friend that I respect so much.  I respect the wisdom from this my friend. I can never imagine the age difference between us when I got to know. I didn't change the way we relate just because I found out I'm older.  It made me respect our friendship much more.

Don't respect people only for their age.  Honour  and respect in marriage is reciprocal and must not be based on age.  Although we all have a choice for our desires if God can permit us!

Thank you all!

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