bo What "Some" Men Need To Understand..
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What "Some" Men Need To Understand..

Faithful ladies will give you so much of their attention, you might start thinking its because they have no other option.

Truth is; They have plenty.

They don't just want to entertain some else.

Value that woman in your life now, clear your land, cultivate it, water your seed and expect good harvest.

That woman in your life is just like a palm tree; if you take your time , you will understand that everything in her is for your good..

The one you're admiring and dreaming is someone's responsibility..

Have a marriage mentality..

Change your mentality of saying " Women are the same" No! The truth is that a every lady has a code ..( Get her code, she becomes a remote in your hand) She loves with everything in her.

? Don't make her feel lonely
? Never allow her to beg for your attention
? Don't see her as desperate lady
? Kindly avoid comparison between other girls
? Don't create the impression that is all about her body
?  Avoid lies
? Avoid promises without fulfillment
? If you're not the calling type, avoid her..
? Anytime you cause her tears; you're losing a part of her..
? Don't give her the impression of " womanizer"
? Don't correct her with hurting words..

Gentleman; Marriage mentality will safe your time, Money, resources, and respect.

Pay that bride price soon, she is the mirror through which people will see you..

I come in peace...

Ben cares...  Just making a common sense

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