bo Economic recession has almost ended, Pres. Buhari tells Nigerians
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Author Topic: Economic recession has almost ended, Pres. Buhari tells Nigerians  (Read 1062 times)

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President Muhammadu Buhari has assured Nigerians that the current economic hardships will soon end.

Daily Trust reports that the president made this assurance in a speech at the 42nd convocation ceremony for a total 6,827 graduates of Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) in Ile-Ife, Osun state on Friday, December 9.Buhari is confident that the days of economic recession are coming close to an end

Buhari said the government was making serious efforts to stop the economic recession. The President was represented at the event by Professor Adamu Rasheed, the executive secretary of the National University Commission.

He said:

There is no gainsaying that we live in challenging times. Nigeria is not exempted from the political, security and economic upheavals going on, worldwide.
We have been making good progress, particularly on security issues, and we are relentless in our efforts to ensure that this economic recession is a very temporary experience in our national life.
I am firmly convinced that with the measures being put in place and the cooperation of all Nigerians, it will soon be a thing of the past.
This administration is committed to ensuring that as a nation, we are self-sufficient in food staples and thereof no longer dependent on food importation by 2019.
Foreign exchange saved in the process will be channeled into reviving our industries, enhancing the hydrology and ecology of the Lake Chad Basin, improving our power generation and distribution infrastructure and completing all the abandoned rural electrification projects nationwide, among other things.
Meanwhile, the federal government and Nigerians in general are turning to agriculture as an alternative as the economic recession currently ravaging the nation gets worse.

There are reports that the government already has extensive plans in place to use agriculture to stabilize the economy.



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