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Started by Gloria Girl, 2020-08-23 12:19

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Gloria Girl


The word "ABERRATION" means "forbidden". Liturgical Aberration means signs and actions that are forbidden within the course of the Liturgy. The following are some of the Aberration within and outside the Liturgy;

1. Praying of individual Rosary or any form of prayer inside the Church while Mass is on.
2. Praying in front of the Statue of our Mother Mary while the Blessed Sacrament is exposed on the altar for Adoration is forbidden.
3. Mixing unblessed water with Holy water is forbidden or a Blessed salt with unblessed water is forbidden. Have the priest bless both water and salt before mixing together. Adding small quantity of holy water to bathing water is okay. This however, is not the same as adding holy water to unblessed water and thinking that by that addition, the unblessed water has become blessed and can be treated as holy water.
4. It is forbidden to make use of the Sanctuary for any purpose outside the Liturgical activities like Mass, Adoration, Benediction.
5. Using unblessed objects such as Rosary, Scapular, Medals to pray or wearing them is forbidden.
6. It is an Aberration to bow before the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle or while it is exposed. Rather, we should genuflect to the Tabernacle or the Exposed Blessed Sacrament. A profound bow is also good in the case of those who can't genuflect.
7. To take sacred objects that have been blessed to another Priest for blessing is forbidden. The first blessing cannot fade. That's why there's no need for a second.
8. Chewing of the Holy Communion like biscuit is forbidden.
9. Apart from those functioning during the Liturgy on the Sanctuary, it is forbidden for persons to walk in and out of the Sanctuary. Except when the Priest called in the case of a necessity otherwise, this is wrong because every discussion and clarification must be done in the Sacristy before Mass.
10. Lying against a priest and criticizing him publicly is an abomination with dare consequences. Desist from it. You can respectfully discuss the issues with the priest in private.

1. Requesting for prayers from the Priest after Mass is not proper. The priest has already prayed the greatest prayer he can pray for you which is the Mass whether your intentions are vocalized or not.
2. Receiving Holy Communion at Mass and going for confession after Mass is not forbidden. With an act of perfect contrition (contrition of love), a penitent can receive Holy Communion during Mass and go for sacramental confession as soon as possible.
3. Not doing the penance given to us after going for confession is forbidden. Without the satisfaction (doing the penance given by the priest), there is no remission of the punishments due to sin. More so, Penance must not be done in a hurry.
4. It is forbidden to stand four yards or 3 metres close to the Priest while hearing confession of others. A good distance is required. It is a sign of our respect for the dignity of the Sacrament of Confessions.
5. Receiving Holy Communion and singing without a moment of recollection and prayer is wrong.
6. Washing the face and hands with the Holy water at the entrance of the Church is forbidden.
7. It is forbidden to bury sacred objects like Rosary, Scapular, Medals, etc. in a piece of land, foundation or in a compound (when it's not the case that you're respectfully disposing them...). It is sufficient to have a priest bless the land and sprinkle with Holy Water.
8. Hearing people's confession and calling it counseling is forbidden. Sacramental Confession must be done. Anyone can counsel anyone but only a priest has the power and authority to hear people's confessions and absolve them.
9. Placing a child on top of the Altar during the so called "dedication" is an aberration.
10. Saying "Holy water hasn't touched me" whenever it's sprinkled is a sign of a lack of faith. It may have touched you without your knowing it.

1. Praying in front of Marian Grotto and Blessed Sacrament and afterwards, going to the chapel to pray again shows poor understanding of our faith. It is the same Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and the Chapel
2. It is not right to greet a Priest before Mass especially morning mass.
3. It is wrong to call someone's name at confession.
4. Fast before receiving Holy Communion, at least one hour, if you're not sick.
5. Unless it's an emergency, don't use the aisle (central passage) during the liturgy. It's meant for processions only. Use the side passages instead.
   Lastly it will be an aberration if you do not forward this message to educate our Catholic brethren.
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