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Started by pastor_uche, 2012-12-27 18:54

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When you hear marine, the first thing that comes to your mind is water or river. You are not wrong, marine spirits are water spirits or spirits that comes and dwells in the river. Beloved they are real, they execute their plans by possessing either a man or a woman. The marine kingdom is one of satan's department headed by a queen, popularly known as the queen of the coast. The earth is divided into the air, the land and the sea. When God made man in Genesis, He gave him dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Genesis 1:28. God will never ask man to dominate his fellow man, so what God meant was that man will have dominion over the spirits in the sea(marine spirits), spirits in the air(witch craft spirits), and on land.

There are two types of marine spirits; we have the conscious mariners and the unconscious mariners. The conscious marine agents are those that know they are possessed, while the unconscious mariners don't know that they are possessed. Marine spirits possesses females more than males, they do so to oppress men and scatter homes, since the man is the head of the home. Their primary tool is sex. They are extremely fashion-crazy, they dress to attract on purpose, they walk to attract on purpose. This marine spirit pushes single ladies to date married men without any remorse. They take delight in breaking the hearts of their victims so as to render them emotionally unstable, once a person is unstable emotionally he is sure to make wrong decisions about other things. They neutralise the will-power of their victims through sex. They are very unstable in  relationships, they cannot keep a relationship for too long, they pretend a lot and changes their voice to fit the mood they are in.

Falling in love with a lady possessed with this spirit is the worse thing that can happen to a man, because the moment he decides to end the relationship, she begins to behave well, the moment the man changes their minds, she starts tormenting the emotion of the man, constantly frustrating the man. Those who are possessed with the marine spirits without knowing can easily be delivered by getting close to the things of God and His word. Lesbianism, homosexuality and pornography are also marine initiations, they are also party freaks. This spirit push young, talented, beautiful girls into "runs". The truth is this with God all things are possible. Deliverance is possible only when the mariner is willing to be delivered. Once that person is willing, that person must go to a bible practicing church for the power of the queen of the coast to be broken. Then the person must be born again and take God's word seriously. Self deliverance is also possible with this knowledge, you can pick up the bible and ask Christ to come into your life. Once He enters, the rest is history. I break every trace and strong hold of marine spirits from your life in the name of Jesus. OMEGA CYBER MINISTRIES.+2348052773865. BB PIN - 28F49F75.
Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


The bad news here to me is that all these marine spirits target men, why can't they target themselves? and secondly you know them after you must have started dating them. This is sad.

Marcella Ervin

I enjoyed reading your post. I want to know as much about my enemy as I can. I think that it is important to know your opponent. If I study how my opponent operates, I can defeat him and help others to defeat him. If we don't know anything about our enemy, how will we know how he fights. Even a boxer watches his/her opponent before the fight to have keys on how to win. This is call using wisdom.


Marine spirits are believed to be spiritual entities associated with water, often linked to the marine kingdom, which is said to be under the control of a queen, sometimes referred to as the queen of the coast. These spirits are said to possess individuals, predominantly women, and use them to disrupt relationships and cause emotional instability through various means, including sexual temptation.
Identifying and defeating marine spirits is often discussed within spiritual contexts, emphasizing the need for spiritual intervention and deliverance through prayer, faith, and adherence to religious teachings. This approach suggests seeking deliverance in Bible-practicing churches and embracing a devout spiritual life as methods to counter the influence of marine spirits.
Jack  :)

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