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Author Topic: NO MORE AT EASE...WE QUIT ARSENAL  (Read 1231 times)

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Offline Prince james C. Inyogu

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After five hours of close door
meetings that started at 11pm
last night and ended 4am
midnight, the family of JAMES C.
INYOGU is relieved to tell the
through this medium that from
this day Sunday Nobember 4,
2012, we quit forthwith as
supporters, loyalists and fans of
Arsenal Football club of England.
We have watched with anger,
anguish and dismay, the
downward slide of a club we
loved with passion, we have
followed the trend of events as
they span out weekly and we
have come to the point where
we can no longer bear the pains
of defeats and shoulder the
insults of failures
Added to this, the club coach
Arsene Wenger only recently
came public to tell the world that
fourth place finish is better than
winning a trophy a decision that
has not only left my family
devastated but dejected.
The defeat to Manchester United
on Saturday, the lackluster
performance of the players, the
fact that Arsenal worst player on
the day Andre Santos had the
guts to collect Van Persie's jersie
as souvenir at half time have all
combined to buttress the fact
that this club has lost direction,
lacks ambition and are destined
to fail and faulter.
The decision to join this club in
1996 was largely because of
Arsene Wenger, a man I loved due
to his exploits at AS Monaco and
our decision to quit today is due
largely to the same man who has
allowed greed and his penchant
for money becloud his sense of
reasoning and planning.
Patrick Vierra, Thierry Henry,
Cesc Fabregas, Sami Nasri and
lately Robin Van Persie are some
of the idols that my little kids
have grown to love but their
departure have left them with no
heroes rather they curse the
board for signing disables like
Chammachk, Giroud, Arshavin,
Ramsey and Scquilachi.
In the last three years, this
family has been on holy pilgrimage
to the Emirate stadium a place
we see as the Mecca of English
football, we have spent over
3000 pounds on souvenirs at the
Armoury and have invested
money and time only to win
nothing in eight years.
Enough is Enough, we can go no
further. In tears, in pains and in
anger we are bowing out now
that the ovation is loudest.
The family has summoned an
emergency meeting later today
at 4pm to decide the next line of
action and the possible club to
pitch tent with but one thing is
certain, it will not be a club in
For their style and the fact that
my kids adore Fabregas,
Barcelona FC looks tempting but
if we must keep faith with the
premier league, then we may
seek divine direction.
Football is our first love, Arsenal
was our life. When Arsenal loses
we embark on compulsory hunger
strike, before every Arsenal
match we turn prayer warriors,
and every week, we dedicate a
day to pray for Arsenal.
Now all that will stop, we can go
about our normal life until we find
a club that will turn us into
devoted followers like ARSENAL FC.
Till then, it's goodbye Arsenal and
all my goners friends , it was not
an easy decision but we have to
take it to save us the agony of
living in a world full of headaches,
heartbreaks and uncertaintainti
For the Family
-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
 your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still


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